The 5CS of internal events that boost employee engagement
Whether you are in the middle of planning your next employee event or are still deciding if you want to host a live, hybrid, or virtual event experience it is key to understand the impact of internal events on employee engagement.
Before delving into the 5Cs, it’s important to recognise that the shift toward virtual and hybrid events should not change engagement levels. But, it may mean that you have to carefully consider event structure and activities to make the most of your digital environment.
1. Camaraderie
Bringing people together, especially for live events, can help to boost morale and strengthen working relationships. This can benefit employee engagement as it can maintain and even help to establish trust and working relationships within teams.
Corporate events can also benefit camaraderie across the broader business, especially if you plan in recognition and reward time which draws attention to the great performances of employees. Recognising hard work is especially important for the morale of those individuals or teams who have succeeded.
2. Culture
Internal events can reinforce company values and help people reconnect with the overarching themes and goals of your business. Plus, corporate events can give you time to provide key updates about business activity and progress towards annual goals.
Taking time to focus on and strengthen company culture during internal events can boost employee engagement because those who feel a sense of connectivity to your business are more likely to be proactive and motivated while working.
3. Connectivity
Corporate events can boost employee engagement because they encourage everyone to spend time together. Whether you are hosting a corporate event in the form of a conference, monthly business update, or even a Christmas party, company-wide events bring everyone together and can remove the sense of distance between seniorities.
For example, a new executive and your CEO may both attend an event and sit in the same room as each other for the first time. This togetherness can positively influence connectivity and, subsequently, employee engagement.
4. Communication
Internal events are often designed to encourage communication within a business. From a team-building day that revolves around problem-solving to a hybrid event that focuses on goal setting, corporate events are usually rooted in the action of talking and listening.
Talking and listening can sometimes be hard, especially if teams are newly formed or it's been a while since people have worked together. But, hosting a corporate event that creates a safe space for everyone to practice their skills can boost employee engagement and encourage healthy communication in the long term.
5. Cooperation
Corporate events can boost employee engagement as they encourage people to work together to achieve a common goal. For example, you could host an internal event that focuses on a problem-solving aspect of your business to develop co-working within your business.
Improving employee engagement by facilitating a cooperative environment can be reflected in the long term. By placing emphasis on working together, you build stronger working relationships and can improve problem solving and teamwork.
It is relevant to note that you cannot reap the reward of the 5Cs as independent entities. For the best outcome for your employee engagement, consider using the 5Cs as the goals of your next event.
Get in touch!
If you would like to learn more about how you can boost employee engagement or receive support to plan your own corporate event, contact us!