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Top 5 events for employee engagement

First Event’s round up of the top five events for employee engagement outlines some of the main ways to drive motivation through business events.

1. Incentive Events

Being recognised for what we do is such a fundamental human need that it is integral to employee engagement strategies.

However, with 64% of business leaders focusing on non-financial incentives as they consider reward strategies, there’s a growing movement away from the traditional cash bonus.

Incentive travel and experiential events are a powerful way to simultaneously reward your employees and show them how much you value their contribution while improving workplace positivity and productivity. In fact the Incentive Research Foundation defines travel as the ‘ultimate reward’.

Incentive travel initiatives are set to grow still further in popularity with the estimation that by 2025 ‘millennials’ will make up 75% of the global workforce. Experiences are prized over the material by this generation who are fuelling the growth of the so-called experience economy. More than three quarters of millennials choose to spend money on an experience or event over material items.

Rather than offering as a one-off, it pays to adopt incentive travel schemes on a consistent basis. Consistent incentivisation helps drive workplace engagement, maintain a positive working environment, boost profits and keep employees happy. Our clients report that incentive events improve staff relaxation, make them feel rewarded and rejuvenated ready to face the next work challenge. And, that incentive events have led to proven tangible returns on investment with exceeded sales targets.

2. Business Conferences

Investing in employees’ attendance at business conferences reaps multiple benefits for your staff and your company’s performance.

First and foremost, business conferences present unrivalled opportunities to boost contacts. Delegates consistently rate networking as the number one reason for attending events. Building an enhanced network also offers the chance to discover fresh perspectives and deliver an improved performance.

Connected to your organisation’s particular sector, conferences provide extensive employee training opportunities too. Workshops and presentations from industry leaders offer inspiration and the chance to learn new techniques and approaches. There’s the added bonus that this learning can be brought back to and implemented further within your business. When back at base, attendees can hold their own learning events with the team and share insight.

Consider incorporating employee engagement as part of your own business events and maximise your return on investment. Though your event may primarily be aimed at client engagement, opportunities for your employees can often be identified and incorporated. Our clients have reported increased sales and enhanced relationships between their employees and customers by ensuring meaningful networking and showcase opportunities are worked into their corporate events.

3. Internal Networking Events

Investing in internal networking events is important for building engagement too.

Coordinated effectively and held regularly, internal networking events create the opportunity for teams that might not ordinarily work together on a day-to-day basis to meet. Helping to create links and break down perceived barriers.

Similarly senior leaders and executives who may not otherwise meet have the chance to establish contact. And more regular opportunities for your business leaders to share their vision are created.

Whether formal or informal, there’s a range of ways to build a consolidated sense of team and purpose including interactive workshops, presentations and team lunches.

4. Teambuilding Events

Given that a company’s greatest asset is its people and that we as humans are inherently social animals, it’s a no brainer that it’s worth investing in teambuilding events.

Like it says on the tin, teambuilding boosts the social connectedness of your organisation. Enabling your staff to meet new colleagues – and solidify existing relationships. They enhance opportunities for cross collaboration. And create chances to resolve conflict as well as decreasing the likelihood of future conflict.

There’s a huge range of possibilities in terms of the format, scale and type of teambuilding events. Investing in the planning phase and linking the event to your company goals and overall employee engagement strategy will lead you to selecting the right kind of event for your team.

It’s a chance to create your own culture and establish your own traditions too. You can turn your company’s birthday into a team building celebratory event in itself even.

Whether it's team nights out, adventure days, charity volunteering or wellbeing retreats, nurturing the social bonds of your business generates huge positives. Employees feel appreciated and benefit from a chance to reflect and rejuvenate. Helping to create work place happiness, boost motivation, improve productivity and increase staff retention.

5. And the award goes to…

Creating your own staff awards, or investing resource into nominating employees for your industry’s excellence awards, can be a multi-beneficial way to recognise a job well done.

Directly aligned to your company’s goals, award ceremonies foster a healthy sense of competition, provide specific recognition and a sense of reward and drive motivation.

With an accompanying celebratory event attached, opportunities for team building and quality time away from the office come as an added bonus.

Read more about celebratory events, on our case studies page.

Like what you see?

First Event are a leading UK event agency experienced in delivering outstanding events all over the world. From incentive travel and teambuilding events, to conferences and venue finding - our talented team of event professionals can take your event from conception to completion, all whilst staying true to your all-important business goals and objectives.

Get in touch today to discuss your event requirements.