apps for events
Creative Virtual

How a virtual event app can enhance your event results

The surge in online events means that businesses are still able to connect with their audiences around the world in…

attendee engagement blog
Conference Virtual

How to keep delegates engaged during your remote event

How can you define event success? With so many businesses looking for tangible metrics that prove the success of their…

filming for hybrid event

How will hybrid events evolve in 2021?

It’s fair to say that, now we are over a year into the covid-19 pandemic, events looks very different from…

Conference Virtual

Mastering Audience Engagement: Strategies for Live, Hybrid, and Virtual Events

Event success can mostly be measured by one core metric: engagement. Creating an engaging event means that you’ve truly understood…


The 2024 Guide to Virtual Events 

As the ways we connect and forge relationships continues to evolve, so too must our event formats. With the number…

Virtual event ROI

The 6 secrets to maximise the ROI of your virtual event

There is no question that virtual events are here to stay; virus or not, the past 2 years have bolstered…

Event experience
Conference News Virtual

The future of the event experience

The event landscape can be tough to predict. For example, no one could have determined the speed at which virtual…

virtual event set up

The types of virtual events explained

Face-to-face corporate events are widely used to bring people together and help organisers deliver clear communications that drive business goals.…

event AV

Top hybrid event strategy tips – think Hollywood!

Lights, Camera, Hybrid! The term ‘hybrid’ is 2021’s buzzword from hybrid working to hybrid events, the definition is essentially about…

virtual and hybrid event set up in studio
Conference Creative Virtual

Top tips for winning at virtual and hybrid events

The past 18 months has seen a huge change in virtual event technology. This is still continuing to develop, grow…